2020 Edition
The Séphora Berrebi foundation is pleased to announce the results of the third edition of the Séphora Berrebi Scholarships for Women in Advanced Mathematics & Computer Science.
The Jury in Mathematics, chaired by Professor Laurent Lafforgue (IHÉS), declared as laureates:
- Vlerë Mehmeti: Scholarship in Mathematics in France;
- Ori Saporta Katz: Scholarship in Mathematics in Israel.
The Jury in Computer Science, chaired by Professor Xavier Leroy (Collège de France), declared as laureates:
- Sreeja Nair: Scholarship in Computer Science in France;
- Brit Youngmann: Scholarship in Computer Science in Israel.
We warmly thank all those who have been helping us since the launch of this initiative:
The two Jury Presidents of the 2019-2020 edition for their dedication and their time as well as the Juries members who reviewed all the application files:
Mathematics: Laurent Lafforgue (President), Itai Benjamini, Bruno Bouchard, Haïm Brezis, Clotilde Fermanian, Michaël Krivelevich, Pierre Pansu, Sylvia Serfaty, Roger Temam;
Computer Science: Xavier Leroy (President), Hagit Attiya, Gilles Dowek, Judith Gal-Ezer, Antoine Joux, Jean-Bernard Lasserre, Claire Mathieu, Alexis Tsoukiàs, Amiram Yehudai.
All the other personalities from the world of research who have contributed in one way or another from the start. Their participation, advice and support were decisive to perpetuate this action: Serge Abiteboul, Sylvie Benzoni, Henri Berestycki, Alain Connes, Isabelle Gallagher, Bénédicte Haas, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Erwan Le Pennec, Elon Lindenstrauss, Pierre-Louis Lions, Elisabeth Logak, Sylvie Méléard, Hagit Messer-Yaron, Yves Meyer, Michel Morvan, David Peleg, Dana Ron, Marie Théret, Béatrice de Tilière, Cédric Villani and Joseph Zyss.
The four laureates whom we congratulate for the excellence of their of their files, much appreciated by a prestigious jury. We wish them a brilliant scientific career and hope that the € 2,000 grant will be useful for them to continue their research.
All the candidates for the scholarship, of different nationalities, whose excellent level in general was noticed by both juries: this adventure makes big sense with them and thanks to them.
All the professors who wrote detailed letters of recommendation to support an applicant.
The Sponsoring Committee of the Séphora Berrebi foundation and all those who contributed to make known our initiative, whether universities, specialized societies, research institutions or associations that have agreed to relay information and to publicize the call for applications.
The (Awards Ceremonies, Scientific Master Class for high school girls, coding and scientific events) that we have been organizing for months will not take place in March due to the global health crisis. The awarding of the trophies to the laureates is postponed to a later date.
We dedicate this very special edition to those who devote their time to the invisible. The invisible exists, mathematicians and computer scientists know it. The invisible has an impact on our lives. Hence the importance for all of us, scientists or not, to train our ability to think what cannot be seen. This is what we have learned from the one who inspires us every day: Séphora.
Paris, March 25th 2020
Emmanuelle, Gérald et Jonathan Berrebi